Saturday, November 24, 2012

Week of November 26, 2012

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday break.  I really enjoyed being with my family for a few relaxing days.  

This week in language arts we will begin our second unit which focuses on conflict.  Is conflict always bad?  What kinds of conflict are there?  How does conflict create the plot of a story?  How does conflict affect character development?  These are just a few of the questions we will try to answer as the students work in literature circles with different novels.

In social studies, we will continue our unit on Ancient Eygpt.  We will look at the New Kingdom and the Book of the Dead. The students have really enjoyed learning about some of the famous kings and queens of Ancient Eygpt.  I hope they continue to enjoy exploring this facinating part of history!

Book shares are due on Friday of this week!  Don't forget!!

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