Friday, December 7, 2012

Week of December 9th

This week we will be revisiting using plurals and possessives in our grammar lessons.  The students are really struggling with the rules for using apostrophes and when a word is plural or possessive.  We have spent intervention classes during the past week with our sole focus on these rules.  This week's spelling will incorporate changing common singular nouns into singular possessive, plural and plural possessive forms.

In language arts, we will be looking at character motivation and conflict.  The students will read a story  in their Reader's Journey and write about the motivation of the two main characters and how their conflicts help them to change and grow.

Our literature circles will begin their 3rd week reading in their novels.  We have successfully introduced using the Nexus tablets and I will now introduce blogging to the groups.   Look for student messages on our blog pages soon!!! 

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