Saturday, December 1, 2012

First week in December

We're moving quickly into the first week of December.  On Monday, the students will finish with their book shares.  They have all been incredible and show so much thought and effort.  Last week, we began working in literature circles for the first time.  The first day was a little shaky getting used to the jobs and how the circles run, but the student quickly caught on and enjoyed their next reading session together.  This week, we will spend 2 to 3 days working in the circles.  I am very excited to be introducing blogging to the kids!  We will be using our brand new Nexus 7 tablets and blogging with other students in grade 6 who are reading the same novels as well as inviting students from all over the world to join our discussions!

I will also be introducing a new blog for the students to share their independent reading on.  I am encouraging the kids to reach out to others around the world who may have read the same books or may be reading something they would enjoy.  I can't wait to see if we get a few international responses or even some from across the U.S.

Spelling this week focuses upon VCCV words.  We've been looking at different word patterns through out the year so far.  Hopefully, the students are beginning to see how spelling rules work and use it in their every day writing. 

In social studies we are coming to the end of our unit on ancient Egypt.  We will be reading about the fall of the New Kingdom and take unit test.  From there we'll be moving into Ancient Greece! 

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